How I found my #soul and why you should too
Working out is hard. Really hard. My whole life I have had workouts planned for me, never having to think about what I should do. When I transferred back from college I had lost all motivation to work out what so ever. I had a whole semesters worth of being a student athlete and I was exhausted. In Los Angeles Soulcycle was a brand name fad workout that everyone who was anyone was doing, but it was not until I had left LA did I try it.
At $32 a class and $2 to rent shoes, it may seem steep for anyone on a budget or to a college student. Every time I go I always get questions from my friends such as "Why don't you take spin classes at your gym?" or "Aren't you just pedaling on a bike?". And every time they ask these my only response is that it is so much more then that. SoulCycles mission statement reads that the workout is designed to benefit body mind and soul.
I took my first class more than a year ago and instantly I was hooked. From the up beat on trend music the instructor played, to the choreography that made you want to dance. This workout was up my ally. Going into a dark room with bikes four inches apart may seem intimidating at first but it is one of the best things I have gotten myself into because it is so much more then a workout.
In my experience, ever since I took my first class I have been going once a week. Finding the right instructor with your favorite music preference is the key to having a spiritual and soulful experience. Before I started going to Soulcycle working out was a chore to me but once I got started I couldn't stop. It almost becomes addicting, the instructor always emphasize that the room you are in and the community you are apart of is a safe space. You are allowed to be completely yourself there no judgements. If you want to cry to a song, cry. If you want to get all your anger out, do that too. Or even if you want to gig on a bike to some kickass songs, do that too. All is welcome in that tiny dark room. The instructors lift you up and empower you to be your greatest just for that 45 minutes; with that experience you take that and spread all of those vibes throughout the rest of your day or week even.
One of the best things that I have been told in one of my classes is "I can. I will. I am." This mantra resonated me because life gets tough sometimes but that shouldn't mean that you back down from a challenge and because of Soulcycle my life has changed for the better. I am more aware of the energy I put out and that its really ok to fail because failing means you get another chance to try it again and make it better and that really is ok!!
On top of all the life changing parts of Soulcycle, it really is a hard workout so you are essentially paying for therapy and workout. I urge everyone to at least try this once because it truly has changed my life for the better and I have also met some of the most incredible people because of it.
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